A good diet plan will not only help you improve your blood glucose levels but also help to keep your weight on track. Diabetic diet plan differ from person to person as individual nutritional needs, daily activity and type of diabetes differs. What you eat have a direct effect on your blood sugar level. You can control your blood sugar with minimal dependence on medication by adhering to these simple but important tips.
Include high quality carbohydrates in your diet. These are carbohydrates that digest slowly and do not cause your blood sugar levels to rise uncontrollably. These carbohydrates are primarily found in plant food sources and they supply the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber. High quality carbohydrates include: vegetables, fruits, beans, peas, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain cereals, and whole grain breads. Oranges, strawberries, carrots, tomatoes and corn are other sources of soluble fiber which slows the absorption of glucose from food.
Remove low quality carbohydrates from your diet. These carbohydrates have less nutritional values and rapidly turn to sugar thereby causes your blood sugar to rise uncontrollably. They include sugar, candy, non-diet soft drinks, syrup, honey, jam, cakes, white bread and other refined starches.
Watch your portion size. Eating too much of even the healthful foods can lead to weight gain. Eat a moderate amount of carbohydrates with lean protein. Eating high quality carbohydrates does not mean eating all you want. High quality carbohydrates finally convert into blood sugar. Total carbohydrate intake should only be 40% of your daily intake, high protein (turkey breast, chicken breast, veal, pork tenderloin, lean ham, lean beef, egg whites, milk, soymilk, seafood and fish) should be paired with carbohydrates in order to complete your body’s nutrition needs. Lentils, beans, yogurt, milk and soybean contain both carbohydrate and lean protein values.
Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits like garden egg, carrots etc. They provide you with fibers which act as a swab and help to absorb excess sugar.
Choose non fat dairy such as skim milk and non fat yogurt.
Choose water instead of the regular sugar sweetened drinks, and replace solid fats that can be high in saturated fatty acids with liquid cooking oils. (e.g. Olive oil)
Follow a well balanced and low fat diet plan (especially for if you have type 2 diabetes). A low fat diet is one that consists of little fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol, which is thought to lead to increased blood cholesterol levels and heart attack.
Finally, the following tips can help reduce your diabetic risks: Reduce weight. Obesity seems to be the single most significant factor in diabetes. Reducing body weight and fat and maintaining an average body weight is very essential. To this end a body mass index (BMI) less than 25kg/m2 for males and less than 24kg/m2 for females is recommended. Increase Physical Activity. It is an established fact that diabetes is more common among people that lead a sedentary affluent lifestyle. Simple dynamic exercises like brisk walking for 30-50mins daily or 3-5times weekly has been shown to be very helpful. Exercise reduces body weight and fat, increases functionality of the heart, reduces the chances of diabetes and also boosts emotions and healthy living. Cut down or cut out alcohol and avoid smoking. Cigarette smoking and alcohol have been related to several disease. Stopping them will definitely reduce the chances of several other ailments apart from diabetes.