This morning, a client asked me to proffer a dietary solution for her uterine fibroid condition, perhaps a non-surgical solution. Her doctor had recommended surgery for the 7cm fibroid tumor, but she is scared and thinks that surgical intervention is not her portion. (Nigerians always say that, maybe some).
My response to her was not totally discouraging judging by the look on her face. I did not offer any non-surgical solution but rather encouraged her to consider her doctor’s opinion not without letting her know how a change in diet can help her to treat her symptoms and also to improve the fibroid condition in the form of shrinking it or reducing the size of the fibroid.
What Are These Diet Changes?
1. Increasing the intake of soy products and flaxseeds.
Both contain phytoestrogens which help to properly regulate the body’s estrogen production.
It is common knowledge that estrogen fuels fibroid growth, so why recommend soy products? Soy is rich in natural estrogens that are much weaker than synthetic estrogens; they bind to the estrogen receptors on the fibroid tumors, thereby preventing the estrogen naturally found in your body from attaching itself to the receptors. So consuming soy prevents the bodily form of estrogen from fueling the growth of the tumors. So select natural soy foods rather than the genetically modified ones or even the supplements. You can take soy milk in place of whole or low fat milks.
2. In addition to soy products, eating plenty of high fiber foods.
This keeps constipation away. Constipation increases fibroid symptoms and can worsen pain and pressure. Foods rich in fiber include, whole grains like cereals, oats, millet. Green leafy vegetables like spinach etc.
*** Fiber can also help in removing excess estrogens from the body.
3. Eating omega 3 fatty acid rich foods like salmon, mackerel, tuna etc. They can help to reduce inflammation and fibroid growth.
4. Iron rich foods come in very handy for women who suffer prolonged or heavy periods due to fibroids. This helps them to ward off anemia.
5. Eating more vitamin k rich foods to encourage blood clotting and help reduce excessive menstrual flow. Leafy green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, celery, okra, cabbage, and fruits like cucumber, kiwi, avocado and plum are rich sources.
6. Avoiding or cutting back on foods that contain non plant source estrogen. Such foods include red meat, dairy and eggs. Also avoid refined carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar.
7. Increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep estrogen levels at an all-time low. Plant based diet create a more alkaline body and thwarts fibroid growth. In other words, when the body is acidic, fibroid growth is enhanced.
8. Detoxifying foods and pears (rich in phytonutrient) to reduce/shrink fibroid tumors.
Diet changes are to be made not only in the face of a challenging health concern. What diet change have you made recently and what prompted you to make the change?