Tuesday, June 28, 2011


If you have suffered a migraine before or experiences occasional migraine episodes, this post will be very helpful to you.

In a business meeting, a man rejected a cup of coffee because according to him, coffee gives him headaches. The man next to him called him coy, and just local. The story indeed made me laugh and I wondered if being a coffee drinker is a sign of confidence.

THE TRUTH is that the non-coffee drinker has discovered what works best for him and probably understands the effects that the things he eat or drink have on his health. When it comes to migraine and other headaches, there are two types of diets-
1.     The headache trigger foods- that can start the migraine reaction, and
2.     The headache fighting foods- that put the body in optimal migraine fighting shape, and can either relieve migraine or help you cope.
Some headache trigger foods include
  • alcohol (even red wine)
  • caffeine
  • chocolates
  • nuts (especially peanuts)
  • yeast (especially in breads and other foods and drinks)
  • some flavorings (like vanilla may contain alcohol)
  • all alcoholic and fermented beverages
  • all foods with tyramine ( all fermented, salted or pickled foods like aged cheese, fermented soy products like soy sauce and all nuts.)
  • foods with tannins ( tea, red wine, chocolate, vanilla, black wallnuts and most herbal products.)
*NOTE. Different people have different triggers; it is therefore very important for you to understand what triggers your migraine and eliminate or cut down on them.

Headache fighting foods. In the world of diet cures for headaches/migraines, the best advice is simply to eat a well-balanced diet with plenty fresh, non-processed foods. That includes a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables. Here are some specific foods that are believed to be useful in cutting down the migraine pains.
What about fasting and skipping meals?
Yes they are surefire triggers for many people, possibly because of dropping blood sugar levels. Try to eat small amounts of meals throughout the day and avoid skipping meals. Remember that fresh is best- eat it fresh and cut down on processed foods. Avoid making sudden drastic changes in your diet, whatever change you want to make, ease into it and eat a well-balanced diet.

****Am pleased to let you know that Nutritionalert has been nominated for two categories(Best Fitness or Health Blog and Most Educational Blog ) in the ongoing Nigerian Blog Awards. Visit HERE and vote for Nutritionalert.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I listened to a wannabe comedian describe menopause as a state in a woman’s life when all activities with the opposite sex ceases due to the changes that occurs in the woman. He depicted a state of misery which every woman should dread.
Did anyone tell him that there is andropause for men? It can only get better during menopause, with the menstrual cycle gone, no PMS’s, no cramps, no sanitary towels and tampons here and there. (My thoughts while others cracked their ribs at the silly joke). Ok! Am not premenopausal, menopausal or even post-menopausal. Lucky to still be in the better side of 35, but that does not in any way mean that I do not look forward to my menopausal years.
Let’s talk Nutrition!
On a healthy diet, every woman can go through menopause, deal with all the hot flashes, vaginal dryness and other symptoms, stay attractive and have fun with her partner. If you are around, within or past menopause, here are some diet tips for you.
  1. Deal with osteoporosis which is one of the health issues women face during and after menopause with a calcium rich diet like the non fat or skim milk, okra and leafy greens. Do not forget to up your vitamin D intake too because it is very essential for transporting calcium into the bones. You can take vitamin D fortified food and other foods like cod liver, sardines, mackerel and eggs. Do not forget the best source of vitamin D- sunlight. A 10 minute exposure daily will be good for you. Have you checked your vitamin D level recently?
  2. Do not let weight gain rid you of pleasure during this period. Maintain a diet comprising of complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits.
  3. Deal with hot flashes and balance your estrogen levels by eating soy bean and flaxseed. (Flaxseed is rare in Nigeria, but the supplements are available).
  4. Eat bioflavonoid rich foods like oranges, grapefruits, tangerines etc, to successfully get relieve from night time leg cramps and bruises which usually occur during menopause.
  5. Do not let your vagina stay dry; reduce the dryness by eating foods that are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene. They will strengthen your mucous membranes and keep the grove on!
  6. Eat avocados and let the oils offer you its rich nourishment. You will love your skin.
  7. Don’t forget vitamin C rich foods, they are loaded with antioxidants that can help reduce degenerative diseases and inflammations, and slow down the aging process.
  8. Pears, raisins, honey, peas, beans are rich in boron, eat them and reduce loss of minerals from your bones (osteoporosis), prevent muscle and joints aches and maintain a healthy hair and skin.
  9. Make menopause fun!
***Menopause is not Men O Pause, this guy need to work on his jokes. What is your take on this?

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Do you think that Nutritionalert deserves an award?


  • Best Fitness or Health Blog
  •  Most Educational Blog
  •  Nigerian Blog of the Year
  •  Most Unique Voice in a Blog
  • Your choice nomination
                                  Your vote will definitely count.